Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sacrifice of Praise

Sacrifice as defined by Google's dictionary is "an act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy" or "to give up something important or valued for the sake of other considerations".

So what does it mean to bring a "sacrifice of praise"?  As in, Hebrews 13:15--Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise--the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.

I don't get it.

During church this morning, our worship leader prayed about our "sacrifice of praise", and I stopped praying, opened my eyes and looked at him like that was the first time I had heard that phrase.

Obviously, I have heard the phrase before, but I think it hit me in a new way this morning.  (See link to 1984 Christian song:

So often, we come to worship with certain expectations.  We want to be apart of a church that has a really great band, progressive song choices, neat light shows...really modern, cool stuff, a great atmosphere.  And if it's not that way, we have problems.  They didn't play my favorite song.  The guitar was a little off this morning.  The tempo was not like the record.  Or I just really wasn't feeling it this morning.  I can think of many different complaints that I have either heard or had about worship.

This morning, when I heard that phrase, I really stopped to think about that.  What does it mean to bring a sacrifice of praise?  Is my worship a sacrifice of praise?

I. Don't. Think. So.

A sacrifice of praise isn't easy.  Or it wouldn't be called a sacrifice.  Sacrifice is to give up, to surrender for the sake of something more important or more worthy.  It's not bringing praise when I feel like it, when life is easy, when everything is going my way.  In fact, I think it's quite the opposite.

I think of Jonah and the greatest fishing story ever told.

The Lord gave him a specific command: "Get up and go to the great city of Ninevah.  Announce my judgment against it because I have seen how wicked its people are."  But Jonah ran.  He got up and went in the opposite direction to get away from the Lord.

You know the story.  He boards a boat, hoping to escape the Lord by sailing to another land.  So, the Lord sends a powerful storm, the crew figures out it was because of Jonah, and they throw him overboard where a great fish swallows Jonah.

From inside the fish, Jonah prays (verse 9), "But I, with shouts of grateful praise, will sacrifice to you.  What I have vowed I will make good.  I will say, 'Salvation comes from the Lord."

Jonah was in a predicament.  He was in a fish.  The last thing I would FEEL like doing would be bringing a sacrifice of praise to the Lord.  BUT..the truth of the matter was that 'salvation comes from the Lord.'  The ONLY way he was getting out of this situation was the Lord's salvation.


So this morning, as I sat there listening to this prayer, my sacrifice of praise was to give up my selfish motives and desires, put aside my distractions and lay aside my agenda to make HIS name known, to bring glory to the name of the One who Saves, to allow Him to draw near to me in my need, in my predicaments, in my mess.

This became my prayer:  Break down my pride, and all the walls I've built up inside.  Our earthy crowns and all our desires, we lay at Your feet.

My heart sang a song With Everything by Hillsong.
So let hope rise, and darkness tremble in Your holy light, and every eye will see Jesus, our God, great and mighty to be praised.  God of all days, glorious in all of Your ways.  Your majesty, the wonder and grace, in the light of Your name.

With everything, with EVERYTHING, we will shout for your glory.  With everything, with everything, we will shout forth your praise.

Our hearts will cry, be glorified.  Be lifted high above all names.  For You our King, with everything, we will shout forth your praise.

The bottom line is this:  My sacrifice of praise looks differently after I examine the areas of my life that I need, desperately need, His salvation.  But more importantly, it comes from a place of GRATEFUL praise.  

Thursday, December 8, 2011

details...very tiny ones

We have made it to the time and place where Blake and Jess start a family. Minor detail...things don't always just go as planned...and that is definitely the case for us. So, I guess you could say we are working on a baby...

In the midst of this journey (sometimes difficult, exciting and overall, sort of like a roller coaster), I have found that although situations in life may bring constant suspense, I have constant certainty that my future is decided and taken care. I have written down ten verses for myself to memorize and claim during this time.

The other night, I came home from work to find Blake getting ready for work and trying to multi-task. We were supposed to be getting an internet set-up kit via UPS that night and it hadn't come. He was making the appropriate phone calls to see what was happening. When he didn't get the answers he wanted, we decided that we'd just eat dinner and go on with life as normal. Although, he didn't really like that idea, he tried his best to concentrate on getting ready for work. He had to leave for work around 6:30, and I was going to Bible study shortly after that time. Blake was concerned that no one would be home to gather up the package when it was delivered, IF it was delivered. He spent his last 15 minutes at home that night, looking out the window every few minutes to see if the UPS truck had pulled into our apartment complex yet. Finally, discouraged, he gave up and picked up his bags and headed for the door.

Before he left, he turned and said, "Hey, I read about Abram and Sarai this morning in my devotions. They really prayed expectantly for a child. I was really encouraged by that." I agreed and told him about my verses that I was working on memorizing. I quoted my verse of the week for him.

Psalm 37:23-24 The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in EVERY DETAIL of their lives. Though they may stumble, they will never fall because the Lord holds them by the hand.

He encouraged me, said goodbye and left for work.

I needed to put some gas in the car before Bible study, so I decided to get ready and head out the door. I took my time getting reading and picked up the house a little bit. In no hurry at all, I headed out our front door into the rain and walked right in front of headlights of a large truck. At once, I realized what this meant -- the internet set-up kit had arrived!!! It was almost like Christmas day.

I walked back into our building, met the UPS delivery man in the doorway, signed for the package and put it inside the door of our apartment. I locked up our apartment and headed back into the night.

I didn't get but two steps out of my front door when I realized the sheer hilarity of the situation. It was like God swooped down, put the UPS delivery truck in my driveway that night and said, "Yes, Jessica, I do DELIGHT in EVERY DETAIL of your life...even something as silly and small as internet."

I laughed to myself and hopped in my car. With tears in my eyes, I laughed the whole way to the gas station, laughed as I pumped gas and the entire way to Bible study.

Thank you, Lord, for Your promise that you direct my steps and you delight yourself in every detail of my life.

All Things Well

I am either all or nothing.  I don't like to do things half-way.  

BUT, that sometimes gets me into things that I don't really stick with, hobbies especially.  Scrapbooking, for example, or blogging (the first time around) or, more detrimental to my health (mental and physical), exercising.  

I think this comes from my desire to do EVERYTHING better, great, the best, really well, at an expert level.  I don't like doing things that I am not great at or am only mediocre.  Who does?

Yes, I do have a few things that I do well, but I am not one of those who seems to be able to do EVERYTHING well.  The sooner I realize that, the better.  

I was reading in Isaiah 30 tonight and jumped across the title of verses 15-33: God Takes the Time to Do Everything Right

I thought of Chris Tomlin's song, You Do All Things Well.

The sound of your voice, the works of your hand.  You do all these well.

Isaiah 30:18-19 (NIV/The Message)
Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion.  For the Lord is a God of justice.  Blessed are all who wait for him!  Oh yes, people of Zion, citizens of Jerusalem, your time of tears is over.  Cry for help and you'll find it's grace and more grace.  The moment he hears, he'll answer.

Grace and more grace.  The moment he hears, he'll answer. 

Warning:  His answer might not be my answer, my plan or even on my radar, but he's the Master of ALL, the Jack-of-all-trades, the ultimate Renaissance Man...he does all things well.